Show tabs on the product page
Last updated
Last updated
If your theme is an Online Store 2.0, please add an app block to your product template via Theme Editor.
If you have multiple tab groups, you need to copy the Tab group ID and paste it into the App block.
If you only have 1 tab group, you don't need to paste the Tab group ID for App block (leave it blank).
You don't need to paste Tab group ID for App block (leave it blank)
Select a theme > Edit code > Create a new file ddshop-tab.liquid in Snippets folder.
Insert liquid code below into ddshop-tab.liquid
{% if shop.metafields['storeify_tabs_dev_1'] %}
{% assign ifyGroupsTab = shop.metafields['storeify_tabs_dev_1'] %}
{% assign groupstab_settings = ifyGroupsTab.groupstab_settings %}
{% for tabGroup in ifyGroupsTab %}
{% if tabGroup[0] != 'groupstab_settings' %}
{% if tab_id == null or tab_id == '' or tabGroup[0] == tab_id and tabGroup[1].status == 1 %}
{% assign langArr = tabGroup[1].lang %}
{% assign viewbyLang = 0 %}
{% if langArr == empty %}
{% assign viewbyLang = 1 %}
{% else %}
{% if tabGroup[1].lang_contains == '0' %}
{% unless langArr contains request.locale.iso_code %}
{% assign viewbyLang = 1 %}
{% endunless %}
{% else %}
{%if langArr contains request.locale.iso_code %}
{%assign viewbyLang = 1 %}
{%endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if viewbyLang == 1 %}
{% liquid
assign showTab = 0
if tabGroup[1].show == 1 or tabGroup[1].show == 4
assign showTab = 1
if tabGroup[1].show == 2
assign productArr = tabGroup[1].products
assign currentId = | append: ""
if productArr contains currentId
assign showTab = 1
if tabGroup[1].show == 3
assign collectionIds = product.collections | map:'id'
for colItem in collectionIds
assign colItemstring = colItem | append: ""
if tabGroup[1].collections contains colItemstring
assign showTab = 1
{% if showTab == 1 %}
{% assign classGrouptab = 'storeify_tabs_group' | append: " ify_taps_" | append: tabGroup[1].tab_style %}
{% assign classIcon = 'ify-item-glyph' %}
{% if tabGroup[1].allow_multiple_open != '0' %}
{% assign classGrouptab = classGrouptab | append: " ify_multiple_open" %}
{% endif %}
{% if tabGroup[1].glyph_item != '1' %}
{% assign classGrouptab = classGrouptab | append: " ify_taps_glyphs_align_" | append: tabGroup[1].glyphs_align | append: " ify_taps_glyphs_" | append: tabGroup[1].glyph_item %}
{% endif %}
{% if tabGroup[1].is_accordion == '1' %}
{% assign classGrouptab = classGrouptab | append: " ify-accordion-view" %}
{% endif %}
{% if tabGroup[1].tabs %}
<div id="{{ tabGroup[0] }}" class="out-tab-group ify-isloading">
<style id="style_{{ tabGroup[0] }}">
{{ tabGroup[1].styles_raw }}
{{ tabGroup[1].custom_css }}
<div class="{{ classGrouptab }}">
{% if tabGroup[1].is_default == 0 %}
{% assign listTab = tabGroup[1].tabs %}
{% for tabItem in listTab %}
{% assign classActive = '' %}
{% assign classLast = '' %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% assign classActive = 'ify-active' %}
{% endif %}
<!-- accordion_default_view -->
{% if tabGroup[1].is_accordion == '1' and tabGroup[1].accordion_default_view == '2' %}
{% assign classActive = '' %}
{% elsif tabGroup[1].accordion_default_view == '3' %}
{% assign classActive = 'ify-active' %}
{% endif %}
{% if forloop.last %}
{% assign classLast = 'last-child' %}
{% endif %}
<div class="ify-tap-title ify-tap-title-{{ tabItem.tab_id }} {{ classActive }} {{ classLast }}" data-target="ify-tap-content-{{ tabItem.tab_id }}">
<label>{{ tabItem.tab_head }}</label>
<span class="{{ classIcon }}"></span>
<div class="ify-tab-content ify-tab-content-type-{{ tabItem.tab_type }} ify-tap-content-{{ tabItem.tab_id }} {{ classActive }} {{ classLast }}" id="ify-tap-content-{{ tabItem.tab_id }}">
{% case tabItem.tab_type %}
{% when '1' %}
{{ tabItem.tab_value }}
{% when '2' %}
{{ product.description }}
{% when '3' %}
<!-- begin snippet -->
{% case tabItem.tab_value %}
{% when '1' %}
<!-- Start of code -->
<div style='clear:both'></div>
<div id='judgeme_product_reviews' class='jdgm-widget jdgm-review-widget jdgm-widget-storeify' data-id='{{ }}'>
{{ product.metafields.judgeme.widget }}
<!-- End of code -->
{% when '2' %}
<div id="looxReviews" data-product-id="{{}}" class="loox-reviews-default"></div>
{% when '3' %}
<div class="trustshop trustshop-review-wrap trustshop-storeify" id="trustshop-review"></div>
{% when '4' %}
<div id="mag-product-review" class="mag-product-review-storeify" data-product="{{ }}" data-product-handle="{{ product.handle }}"></div>
{% when '5' %}
<div class="alireviews-review-box"></div>
{% endcase %}
<!-- end snippet -->
{% when '4' %}
{% render 'ddshop-custom-liquid' %}
{% when '5' %}
{% assign tabRecommendation = tabItem.tab_value | split: "-" %}
<div class="ify_product-recommendations ify-grid-{{ tabRecommendation[1] }}" data-url="{{ routes.product_recommendations_url }}?section_id=ddshop-product-recommendations&product_id={{ }}&limit={{ tabRecommendation[0] }}" data-limit="{{ tabRecommendation[0] }}"></div>
{% when '6' %}
{{ tabItem.tab_value }}
{% when '7' %}
{{ tabItem.tab_value }}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ product.description }}
{% endif %}
<script id="script_{{ tabGroup[0] }}">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var ify_settings_{{ tabGroup[0] }} = {id:'{{ tabGroup[0] }}'}
ify_settings_{{ tabGroup[0] }}.params = {
tab_style: {{ tabGroup[1].tab_style | json }},
accordion_default_view: {{ tabGroup[1].accordion_default_view | json }},
allow_multiple_open: {{ tabGroup[1].allow_multiple_open | json }},
glyph_item: {{ tabGroup[1].glyph_item | json }},
glyphs_align: {{ tabGroup[1].glyphs_align | json }},
is_accordion:{{ tabGroup[1].is_accordion | json }},
{% if tabGroup[1].show == 4 %}
ify_settings_{{ tabGroup[0] }}.conditions = {{ tabGroup[1].conditions | json }}
{% endif %}
var tabGroupify_{{ tabGroup[0] }} = new storeifyGroupTabs(ify_settings_{{ tabGroup[0] }},storeifyTabs.configs,storeifyTabs.product);
tabGroupify_{{ tabGroup[0] }}.createGroupTabs()
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Insert the short code below into any position you want into the sections/product-template.liquid or sections/main-product.liquid (This file depends each theme)
{% render 'ddshop-tab' %}
{% render 'ddshop-tab', tab_id: 'tab_group_id' %}
Replace tab_id_value by your tab id